• Below details 70% of functionality delivered in XAFE V1
  • This is the white-labled licensed version of Barbados we serviced for COVID-19
  • V2 scales beyond COVID-19, beyond other Health Threats… as a platform for ‘experience management’
  • XAFE had >1m annual revenue first three years. Team reinvested in V2 in Q3 2022 (completed Q2 2023). Ready for it’s ‘next life’ and seeking investors.
  • PLEASE DO NOT DISSEMINATE.  It is just a dated functional showcase. If desired, a new demo will focus on arching values and be more formally produced.



We also worked with Apple, Google, and MIT University’s Pathcheck to create an Exposure Notice product (privacy preserving App and doctors tools requiring government entitlements logged at the App stores). This is noted below also as skinned and delivered for Barbados. If you or others tested positive, you could anonymously inform the app… those who had been near you in past days (or yourself) would be notified you had ‘potential exposure’ and guide through testing, prevention, monitoring, etc.